Ohio man admits to killing bisexual mother of his six-year-old daughter after luring her to remote location
An Ohio man has pleaded guilty to killing the bisexual mother of his six-year-old daughter after luring her to a remote location and strangling her.
Chad Cobb will spend the rest of his life behind bars without parole as part of a plea deal in the murder of Ashley Biggs, 25, whom he admitted to killing in June while she was delivering pizzas for an Akron Dominos.
Ashley was in the middle of a bitter custody battle with her former boyfriend over their daughter.
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Guilty: Chad Cobb, left, has pleaded guilty to killing Ashley Biggs, right, the mother of his daughter who had served in the U.S. Army before her death last June
After their split 25-year-old Ms Biggs started a lesbian relationship with her girlfriend Brittany Dunson.
Ms Dunson told police and reporters that Ms Biggs was concerned about Cobb because he had a history of violent behavior.
Cobb pled guilty to domestic violence in 2005, though it is unclear whether Ms Biggs was involved in that incident.
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ShareAccording to local station Fox 8, that prompted Ms Biggs to take out a protective order against him.
'In a way, I knew it,' Ms Dunson told the station.
Ms Biggs' co-workers filed a missing persons report when they had not heard back from her by 12.45am on Thursday.
Police traced her final delivery to a closed business in Akron and began to suspect the worst.

Scene: When police arrived at the closed business where Ashley made her last pizza delivery, they found large amounts of blood on the pavement which indicated there had been a struggle

Happy relationship: Ms Biggs' (left) girlfriend of three years Brittany Dunson (right) said that Ashley loved her 6-year-old daughter (center) very much and was trying to protect her from her father, Chad Cobb

Attack: Biggs was delivering pizzas for a Dominos on the night she was sent to a remote location and strangled
'We checked the area and we had found there had been a struggle there of some sort because we found large amounts of blood on the pavement outside the business,' police chief Dan Davidson told the Akron Beacon Journal.
Her body was found several hours after the initial call, and because it was discovered in a nearby town, they believe that she was moved from the area by the killer.
An initial autopsy determined that Ms Biggs was beaten before her death and then strangled.
Police have connected Cobb to the scene because a 4-foot zip tie was used in the strangulation, and he owns a cable installation company.
'We’ve been so precautious of (Cobb). I knew she’s always had that fear it would come to this. I felt a part of me die,'
At the time of her murder on Thursday, Ms Biggs and Ms Dunson were in a good place romantically.
'She was my girlfriend. We were looking at rings, we were about to be engaged, she was my everything, my life,' Ms Dunson said.

Living in fear: Ms Dunson, seen center, told police that the thought of Cobb physically attacking Ms Biggs, right, one day was a fear she had lived with
The same level of contentment did not carry over to her relationship with her ex.
Court records show a tumultuous relationship between Ms Biggs and Cobb.
In 2007, Cobb was awarded full custody of the couple's daughter and for the four years immediately following the order, the girl seemed to live happily with him, his three other children and his current wife Erika.
Starting in October, Ms Biggs and Cobb traded insults via court orders: she complained that he changed his phone number and effectively violated a court order.

Bright future: Ms Dunson (left) said that at the time of Ms Biggs' (right) death, the couple had looked at engagement rings
He complained that she was trying to alienate him from his daughter.
He also complained that Ms Biggs had incorrectly told local authorities that he had taken their daughter out of the state, which would be a violation of their custody agreement.
The Akron Beacon Journal describes their court claims as occurring monthly.
‘Ashley loved her daughter and she was fighting to get custody of her,’ Ms Biggs’ domestic relations lawyer Charles Olminsky Jr. told the paper.
The latest in that string of issuances was one made by Cobb because he wanted to have access to his daughter’s psychological and medical records.