HBO With Elizabeth Olsen playing Candy Montgomery, Max’s “Love and Death” revisits her tale. It begins at the outset, detailing the circumstances leading up to Betty Gore’s violent death at home. The case is startling since Candy and Betty were close friends before circumstances deteriorated to the point where one of them had to die. This altercation between the women opens the fourth episode of the show. Betty says something that would make you wonder whether she was expecting before the confrontation becomes nasty. Betty — pregnant? Let’s investigate. Spoilers follow.
Was Betty Gore Pregnant When Candy Montgomery Killed Her?
No evidence that Betty was pregnant at the time of her death was found during the inquiry into her murder. When Betty states, “I’m going to have a baby, and you can’t have him this time,” in the episode, it might have raised suspicions about the topic. On the day Candy visits Betty’s home to pick up her daughter’s swimsuit, and Betty confronts her about the relationship with Allan, this incident takes occurred. Candy acknowledges the affair ended months ago and that there was no longer anything between her and Allan, as she saw no purpose in lying.
In the moments that follow, Betty reminds Candy numerous times that she is not allowed to have Allan. This demonstrates Betty’s prior relationship insecurity. Despite the difficulties in their marriage, Betty and Allan were unable to part ways. Following their attendance at Marriage Encounter, things between them had been going very nicely. This newly discovered bliss was in jeopardy when the affair was revealed, which enraged Betty and caused her to attack Candy.
She may have been hinting at Betty and Allan’s future plans to have another child because she said there would be one. It’s probable that Betty had been considering it given the preparation that went into having their second daughter, Bethany. Betty might have wondered if Allan would change even more with another kid given how much he had changed since the birth of their daughter. It was no secret that Betty detested the fact that Allan had to travel often for work. Betty may have believed that Allan would stop travelling as much and devote more time to their family if they had another kid.
ALSO READ The Tragic Story of Betty Gore's Parents: How Did Bob and Bertha Pomeroy Die?It is impossible to corroborate Betty’s thoughts at the time or whether she intended to have further children. Alisa and Bethany were the only kids she had. When Betty and Candy got into a fight, the latter was about a year old. As a result, Betty was axed 41 times. Bethany spent the entire day alone and unattended in her cot because Betty wasn’t discovered until later that evening. Allan’s calls to check on his wife prompted the neighbours to take action and discover her. The infant was sobbing, filthy, and covered with pee.
Another factor in Allan’s decision to break up with Candy was Bethany. Sometime after Betty was expecting her second daughter, they started dating. Allan felt more responsible after Bethany was born and felt bad for spending time with Candy in a motel. While he and Alisa were alone in the house, his wife was caring for their infant. His affair was eating up too much of his time and energy, and he wanted to spend that time with his family. Bethany’s parents had planned a trip to Europe when she was a year old that would serve as their second honeymoon. Unfortunately, it was never realised.
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