The video of Bruce Jenner's fatal accident on PCH showed the world what investigators have known for some time now -- that Jenner did NOT commit a felony.
Our law enforcement sources say L.A. County Sheriff's investigators have seen the footage from an MTA bus camera -- showing a clear image of Jenner's SUV smashing into Kim Howe's Lexus and a black Prius.
We're told the only infraction investigators see is that Bruce was simply inattentive. As we've told you, it's what cops typically call 'DWHUA' ... driving with head up ass.
That's good news for Bruce. Our sources say investigators will conclude that the most the evidence shows is ordinary negligence -- which means the highest charge he could face is misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter. We're told that's what they will present to the D.A.
Said plainly ... there are no extenuating circumstances -- texting, drinking, drugs, or yakking on the phone -- so, there's no felony. It's a tragic accident, but nothing more than a misdemeanor.
Also in Jenner's favor -- we're told typically when cops present a case like this, it gets dismissed altogether.
See also

Jenner Crash Lawsuit -- Victim's Family Says $500,000 Won't Cut It

Bruce Jenner Lawsuit -- Video Doesn't Tell Full Story ... Says Victim's Family

Bruce Jenner Fatal Crash -- First Bus Surveillance Video