How about Danny Almonte's sport?
Danny Almonte Sport: Baseball
How old is Danny Almonte? When is Danny Almonte's birthday? Where is Danny Almonte born? Where did Danny Almonte grow up from? What's Danny Almonte's age?
Danny Almonte Born: April 7, 1987 (age 36years), Moca, Dominican Republic
How about Danny Almonte's parents?
Danny Almonte Parents: Felipe de Jess Almonte, Sonia Rojas Bretn
How about Danny Almonte's education?
Danny Almonte Education: Western Oklahoma State College
What ever happened to Danny Almonte?
Danny Almonte is currently the volunteer assistant coach of the baseball team at James Monroe High School in The Bronx.
How old was Danny Almonte when he played in the Little League World Series?
Danny Almonte gained fame for exceptional pitching in the 2001 Little League Baseball World Series. Sports reporters soon discovered that he was fourteen years old, two years over the age limit for players. His team was stripped of its records for the season.
Did Danny Almonte ever play professional baseball?
Almonte entered the 2006 MLB Draft out of high school but went undrafted. He then committed to junior college in New Mexico but decided to turn professional, signing with the Southern Illinois Miners in the Independent Frontier League.