DEAR DEIDRE: MY girlfriend keeps trying to make me jealous.
She thinks it’ll make me want her more but actually, it’s putting me right off.

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After every night out, she tells me about the numerous men that tried to ask for her number.
She’s 27, I’m 29 and we’ve been dating for a year.
I work as security in a nightclub, and so often miss out on social plans.
Last week, my girlfriend went to a friend’s birthday party without me.
The next day, I called to ask her how her night was.
Within seconds of picking up the phone, she started explaining how one of her friend’s colleagues had made a “sexual” comment to her.
Apparently, he said: “If you ever dump your man, come find me. I’d give you a good seeing to.”
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I was stunned – what sort of bloke says that to a girl he’s just met?
But then it dawned on me that maybe she was exaggerating the story to make me jealous?
Most read in Dear Deidre
DEIDRE SAYS: There are two interpretations – either she wants you to know you can trust her, or she could be trying to make you jealous.
Perhaps she is worried you’ll drift apart as you spend most evenings doing different things.
Find a quiet moment to ask your girlfriend if she feels insecure about your relationship.
Reassure her that you love her and want to be with her, even if you can’t go out in the evenings as much as you would like.