SOME of us took up hobbies like knitting or running in lockdown, but Jimmy Carr used his time out of the spotlight to work on his appearance.
The 49-year-old added to his hair transplant procedure by getting a set of veneers and Botox - and this week admitted “very little” of his original face still exists because he’s had so much cosmetic work done.

He confessed: “I’ve gone a bit crazy with it, I’ve got the new teeth and the new hair – I’ve had a proper midlife crisis. Like, right, let’s get everything done.
“I’ve had a little bit of Botox, some filler – everything I can get done. My face is now like Trigger’s broom from Only Fools And Horses, very little of the original is still there.”
Jimmy certainly looks very different to how he did when he started out in the early Noughties and the acerbic comedian has always been open about his tweakments to slow the ageing process.
So, how much has his quest to turn back the hands of time cost him?
Amar Suchde, founder of AMS Aesthetics told The Sun that a large part of his transformation is down to shedding some timber.
He said: "Jimmy has clearly lost a lot of weight over the years."
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Amar added that he believes the comic has regular Botox treatment on his forehead to remove some of his lines to make him look more fresh.
He added: "There still seems to be some movement which may indicate a smaller dosage such as that used in Baby Botox."
Hair transplant
Jimmy explained he had the hair transplant procedure after worrying he was beginning to resemble a "snooker-playing vampire".
Jimmy detailed how the procedure worked, saying: "So what happened was my hair was socially distancing from my forehead and I’d had enough of it.
"I shaved my head and what they do is take hairs from the back of your head and they put them on the front.
"Basically I had enough hair, it was just in the wrong place. It was a bit of redistribution."
Under-eye fillers and laser treatments
Amar said Jimmy wears a considerable amount of make-up on set and in shoots, but believes he's had under eye fillers to slow the signs of ageing.
He added that he may well have also had fillers in his cheeks to replace any facial fat lost during his weight loss journey.
"Increasing amounts of men are seeking masculinisation aesthetic treatments; focusing particularly on the jawline, to give it more width and make it more aligned and Jimmy may well have had this treatment," he explained.
He's done really well to maintain the character of his face
Amar Suchde"His skin looks fantastic and I suspect he’s had a number of laser skin resurfacing treatments to give it that youthful glow.
"It also looks like he may have had skin tightening treatments and under eye fillers."
Amar said he believes Jimmy has done really well to "maintain the character" of his face and not take aesthetic treatments too far.
"Rather, he’s just kept up with little tweakments to maintain a fresh look as he is in the spotlight," he said.
The specialist reckons the work Jimmy has had done would cost in the region of £1,000 to £3,000.
Bright white teeth
Harley Street dentist Dr Anjum Jahan reckons Jimmy has helped combat ageing with some clever dental work.
She thinks the comedian is likely to have had Chairside Teeth whitening - light-activated whitening - which would set him back around £500-800.
Dr Jahan said: "This is the most likely option as his teeth are a bright white."
He may also have opted for veneers which is a layer of material placed over each tooth to protect it from damage.
She said: "It is very difficult to tell whether the veneers are made from composite or porcelain.
"If they are composite, then the price can range between £250-£500 per tooth.
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"If made of porcelain price can be £650-£1000 per tooth."
Dr Jahan estimated that Jimmy is likely to have had more than £7,000 of dental work done so far.
