Hulk Hogan’s son Nick Hogan apparently just became the first male celebrity (we use the term loosely) to be hacked in the ongoing iCloud scandal.
The 24-year-old, also known as Nick Bollea, had some pretty graphic photos on the Cloud, too, and a lot of ’em. This is like an encyclopedia here.
Nick’s high school shenanigans, which were well documented but not this well documented, are shown here in all their glory, along with his girlfriend(s).
Various young women are seen in states undress and sex positions, while Nick’s penis makes some appearances as well. Dude has a fun time.
Nick says he thinks the girls were underage at the time, and by hacking them the creeps not only violated their privacy but are releasing child porn.
McKayla Maroney, one of the many high-profile hacking victims thus far, has sued to have her underage photos taken down from various websites.
Why would Nick keep the offending images? Because he simply didn’t delete them and had no reason to think they would be stolen and distributed.
Oh, and there are also a couple of shots of Nick’s mother Linda Hogan, wearing a thong, bending over and showing off her booty-ful assets for days.
That’s not weird whatsoever.
Nick claims those images and the penis pics are not him, something we’ve heard a lot of in the past month since the nude photo scandal erupted.
While there’s been uproar over authentic photos, there have also been fake Ariana Grande nude photos and the like “leaked” as part of The Fappening.

Nude Celebrity Photos: Who’s Been Hacked?
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