DEAR DEIDRE: I AM ashamed to say that I checked my partner’s bag when he came home from a work trip last month. I discovered he had taken his Viagra with him and there were a few tablets missing.
He is 55 and I am 53. We have been together for six years and generally we have a good relationship.

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He started taking Viagra a few months ago after being diagnosed with type-2 diabetes.
I know how many tablets he was prescribed and know for certain he had more than he came back home with.
My mind is working overtime.
DEIDRE SAYS: Don’t leap to conclusions.
Maybe he gave some to a colleague in need or used them for his own self-pleasure.
But you will not be able just to forget about this, so you will have to raise the subject.
Just say you saw his supplies were running low.
His explanation will either convince you or not but keep an open mind until then.
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