Beginning his career as a freelance journalist, he wrote more than articles in national newspapers and magazines from to . He also served as director of financial policy studies. His contribution includes his commentary on business, politics, and finance on national radio and television shows whilst he additionally appeared as an expert in documentary films.
In , he first published his first book, The House of MorganThe list of his books includes he Warbugs, The Death of The Banker, Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr., and the biographies- Alexander Hamilton, George Washington,and Ulysses S. GrantFor his contribution in writing, he has being honored with Pulitzer Prize for Biography or Autobiography, National Book Award for Nonfiction, New York Times 10 Best Books of the Year, and Ambassador Book Award for Biography & Autobiography.
Now he is at his years of age and he is still working in literature field. He was married to his late wife Valerie S. Chernow in who died in . After her death, he has never been in an affair with other girls better he continued his works in his professional field. Chernow is of American nationality and white ethnicity. He has already earned a great respect and name in this field along with the better salary and staggering net worth of millions of dollars.