If you’re keeping track at home: There are now two recent Heidi Klum nude photo shoots.
And the model just gave birth to her third child.
Therefore, assuming the model wants to match naked spreads to number of children, there’s still another one on the way.

To quote Wayne Campbell: Schwing!
The sexy new Jordache ads – in which Heidi wears little more than jeans and an intense stare – are making the celebrity gossip blog rounds.
And it’s easy to see why.
Katie Price may try to look as hot ever ever after having a child, but no one can pull off this feat quite like Klum.
“I have three children,” Seal’s wife tells People magazine.
“That keeps you busy all the time. I work and we do a lot of things that are active. We work in the garden. We jump on the trampoline. I just started playing tennis with my husband. We climb in the tree house with the children. We go to the park and feed the ducks. We are always mobile.”
But there must be more, right? How else does the the 34-year-old German native pull off her stunning appearance in these black-and-white print ads, in which she makes Kim Kardashian topless look downright disgusting?
“There were 20, 30 people on set to take the pictures,” she said of the photo shoots with Brett Ratner, normally an action movie director moonlighting as a fashion photographer. “He had a lot of assistants. So I don’t have to do that much. They all make me look good.”
So modest and so beautiful. Who doesn’t love Heidi Klum?!?
It’s a half naked Heidi Klum photo.
Seal, meanwhile, also chips in around the house, whipping up traditional English breakfasts of eggs and beans. These two make a point of keeping that romance alive, too, aided by the model’s form-fitting jeans.
“He always does a butt check,” says Klum, who returns the favor. “I like him in jeans. I like him in anything. I like him without anything.”
Does that mean a Seal nude photo shoot is coming up next? And could we handle it, if so? The recent release of Klum naked and Keira Knightley nude are already almost too much to bear.