It’s finally happening. Jughead’s mom and sister, Gladys and Jellybean, will be entering the Riverdale fray on the Dec. 12 season 3 fall finale. Jughead and Archie head to Toledo to visit Gladys and Jellybean for the first time since the show began. One thing is certain: Gladys is going to stir up some trouble. Here are 5 key things to know about Jughead’s mom before you watch Riverdale.
1. Jughead’s mom will be played by Gina Gershon. Her casting was announced in Oct. 2018. She is best known for her roles in Red Oaks, Rescue Me, Showgirls, and Cocktails. The role of Jughead’s mom has been talked about since Riverdale began in 2017. She is a character from the Archie Comics. “She’s definitely going to throw a wrench in the Serpents,” Cole Sprouse EXCLUSIVELY told HollywoodLife at SDCC in July 2018.
2. She runs a salvage yard. This is how Riverdale is describing FP’s estranged wife: “Gladys is “a ‘businesswoman’ who runs the salvage yard (chop shop) that doubles as a Serpent compound, and the Serpents all snap to attention when she gives them an order. A Serpent with a GED, she acts as Fagin to a crew of teenaged car parts thieves.”
3. This is the first time we’ve see Jughead’s mom and sister. Riverdale is currently in season 3, and we have yet to see Gladys and Jellybean — until now. Jughead tried to go visit his mom and sister, who will be played by Trinity Likins, at the end of season 1, but his mom said it wasn’t a good time.
4. There’s a lot to explore between Gladys and Jughead. Since Gladys hasn’t really been a part of Jughead’s life for the past 2 years, there’s a lot to figure out between mother and son. “I think there’s a lot that Jughead doesn’t understand about what Gladys has had to do to protect him. That’s my take,” she told E! News. “Cole and I had lively discussions about this, because that’s a typical thing, you know? Even with your own parents, you’re all like, you did this, and they’re all, no no no, you don’t understand what the situation was. There’s always two sides to every story.”
5. Her appearance will shake things up for FP. Gladys and FP are the very definition of estranged exes. With FP’s evolving relationship with Alice, Gladys’s reappearance could cause some serious drama. “I think there’s a lot to be worried about,” Skeet Ulrich told our sister site TVLine.